Successful Resolution through constructive communication

Karin Walker quoted in national newspaper

Published: 9th October 2020

Karin Walker was quoted in an article that featured in the Daily Mail on 7 October. The article was about how access to enahnced state pension rights for women who divorced late in life was not automatic. In certain circumstances divorcees are entitled to an increased pension, but it is not idely known about AND it has to be applied for to the Department of Work and Pensions. Women are potentially missing out on thousands of pounds.

Here is a link to the article in full: The Silver Splitter Women who dont get their pension share  

Karin Walker

Karin Walker

Solicitor, Mediator, Arbitrator and Collaborative Lawyer

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Simon Clark

Simon Clark

Family Solicitor, Accredited Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer

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Helen Farmer

Helen Farmer

Personal Assistant to Karin Walker

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Kim Parry

Kim Parry


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Amy Cooper

Amy Cooper


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