Successful Resolution through constructive communication

New Book: A Practical Guide to Divorce for the Silver Separators

Published: 13th October 2020

Karin Walker has written a book about practical divorce guidance for people in later life, known as silver separators.

With young adults preferring co-habitation over marriage, divorce rates are lower than they were and the highest rates of divorce now occurs amongst the over 60s.

When couples separate after many years of being together, a sound knowledge of family law alone is not enough to adequately serve a client. There are additional layers of complexity, financial and emotional, with many years of being a team needing to be unpicked as people go in different directions.

Karin says: "It was always my intention that the book can be used either as a quick reference tool or a 'cover to cover' read. The important thing is to equip the reader to tailor their service to the very specific needs of the over 60s age group."

The book is released next month (November 2020) and will be beneficial to any professional who is engaged to advise on 'silver separator' divorce matters.

The book is published by Law Brief publishing, further details from the publisher's website. 

Karin Walker

Karin Walker

Solicitor, Mediator, Arbitrator and Collaborative Lawyer

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Simon Clark

Simon Clark

Family Solicitor, Accredited Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer

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Helen Farmer

Helen Farmer

Personal Assistant to Karin Walker

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Kim Parry

Kim Parry


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Amy Cooper

Amy Cooper


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Rachel Stone

Rachel Stone

Personal Assistant

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